

Outlook on the Future of Demodex Blepharitis Treatment

Dr Shamie shares her optimism in the advancement of Demodex Blepharitis treatment.

This is a video synopsis/summary of an Insights involving Neda Shamie, MD.

With an FDA-approved treatment now available for Demodex blepharitis, it is hoped more eye care specialists will address this underlying problem that has chronically caused dry eye issues in patients without treatment. Breaking this cycle can create a scenario where no patients suffer from the chronicity of this disease anymore. The goal is to treat patients with the short 6-week course of Xdemvy(lotilaner ophthalmic solution 0.25%), only needing occasional yearly touch-up treatments depending on severity. Addressing this early prevents patients from developing chronic sequelae. 

This is one of the most exciting new treatment options available to eye care specialists, with exceptional clinical trial results that are truly groundbreaking, according to Shamie, who adds that it is rewarding to be part of a field making such advances to definitively treat conditions that were previously untouched.

Video synopsis is AI-generated and reviewed by AJMC® editorial staff.

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